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Data Structures

In this document we define data structures and definitions used in the Chat API


Invite is a structure used to call invite(params: {invite: Invite;}): Promise<number>;

"message": string, // character limit is 200. Must be checked by SDK before sending
"inviterAccount": string,
"inviteeAccount": string,
"inviteePublicKey": string


ReceivedInvite is a structure that is returned by SDK. Is extracted from Invite Proposals did-jwt claims. To get author account identity must be resolved from iss field. inviteePublicKey should be attach based on topic this invite was sent. A map of type Map<number, ReceivedInvite> is returned on getReceivedInvites(params: {account: string}). InviteId is the key of the map.

"id": number, // invite request RPC ID
"message": string, // character limit is 200.
"inviterAccount": string,
"inviteeAccount": string,
"inviterPublicKey": string,
"inviteePublicKey": string,
"timestamp": number, // taken from relay message receivedAt value
"status": 'pending' | 'rejected' | 'approved'


SentInvite structure keeps track of state of sent Invites. If Invite is approved by peer it should be removed from storage, if rejected should stay in storage. An array of SentInvite is returned on getSentInvites(params: {account: string})

"id": number,
"message": string, // character limit is 200
"inviterAccount": string,
"inviteeAccount": string,
"timestamp": number, // taken from client current timestamp
"status": 'pending' | 'rejected' | 'approved'


Media is an optional parameter used in Message to append a media file reference sent together with the plaintext message.

"type": string,
"data": string, // character limit is 500. Must be checked by SDK before sending


Message is an structure that is returned by SDK. Is extracted from Chat Message did-jwt claims. To get author account identity must be resolved from iss field. An array of Messages is returned on getMessages(params: {topic: string;})

"topic": string,
"message" : string, // character limit is 1000. Must be checked by SDK before sending
"authorAccount": string, // to distinguish who sent it
"timestamp": Int64,
"media": Media // optional


A map of type Map<string, Thread> is returned on getThreads(params: {account: string}). Topic is the key of the map.

"topic": string,
"selfAccount": string,
"peerAccount": string