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Pairing URI

Schema (EIP-1328)

uri         = "wc" ":" topic [ "@" version ][ "?" parameters ]
topic = STRING
version = 1*DIGIT
parameters = parameter *( "&" parameter )
parameter = key "=" value
key = STRING
value = STRING



  • symKey (STRING) = symmetric key used for pairing encryption
  • methods (STRING) = comma separated array of inner arrays of methods. Inner arrays are grouped by ProtocolType
  • relay-protocol (STRING) = protocol name used for relay


  • relay-data (STRING) = hex data payload used for relay
  • expiryTimestamp (UINT) = unix timestamp in seconds - after the timestamp the pairing is considered expired, should be generated 5 minutes in the future


topic = "7f6e504bfad60b485450578e05678ed3e8e8c4751d3c6160be17160d63ec90f9"
version = 2
symKey = "587d5484ce2a2a6ee3ba1962fdd7e8588e06200c46823bd18fbd67def96ad303"
methods = [wc_sessionPropose],[wc_authRequest,wc_authBatchRequest]
relay = { protocol: "irn", data: "" }
uri = "wc:7f6e504bfad60b485450578e05678ed3e8e8c4751d3c6160be17160d63ec90f9@2?symKey=587d5484ce2a2a6ee3ba1962fdd7e8588e06200c46823bd18fbd67def96ad303&methods=[wc_sessionPropose],[wc_authRequest,wc_authBatchRequest]&relay-protocol=irn&expiryTimestamp=1705667684"