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RPC Methods

This doc should be used as a source-of-truth and reflect the latest decisions and changes applied to the WalletConnect collection of client-to-client JSON-RPC methods for all platforms SDKs.


  • Nullables: Fields flagged as Optional can be omitted from the payload.
  • Unless explicitly mentioned that a response requires associated data, all methods response's follow a default JSON-RPC pattern for the success and failure cases:
// Success
result: true

// Failure
error: {
"code": number,
"message": string



Used to set a new value to a new or existing key in the synced store for the published topic. This request does not have a response.


// wc_syncSet params
"key": string,
"value": string

| IRN | |
| ------- | -------- |
| TTL | 2592000 |
| Prompt | false |
| Tag | 5000 |


Used to delete a key-value pair in the synced store for the published topic. This request does not have a response.


// wc_syncDel params
"key": string,

| IRN | |
| ------- | -------- |
| TTL | 2592000 |
| Prompt | false |
| Tag | 5002 |