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A namespace is a standardized object defined by the Chain Agnostic Improvement Proposal (CAIP) that ensures a common industry standard for chain agnostic purposes. You will encounter two namespaces: the proposal namespace and the session namespace when connects wallets and dapps.

Upon approval, the wallet will then send a session namespace which includes all of the chains, methods, and events it has approved.

How Sessions Work

To establish a session, the dapp first sends a session proposal to the wallet. The namespace proposal outlines the chains, methods and events the dapp is seeking permission for. The wallet then evaluates the proposal and, if approved, sends back the session namespace.

Proposal Namespace

The proposal namespace is what the dapp sends to the wallet and contains the chains, methods, and events the dapp is requesting permission for. There will be two objects that will be included, requiredNamespaces and optionalNamespaces.

Required Namespaces - It's the map of the required authorized chains, events, and methods that the wallet must satisfy to successfully establish an active session.

Optional Namespaces - It's the map of the optional authorized chains, events, and methods that it's up to the wallet choice to satisfy all, none, or some of them when approving a session.

Example of a Proposal Namespace

"requiredNamespaces": {
"eip155": {
"methods": [
"chains": ["eip155:1", "eip155:10"],
"events": ["chainChanged", "accountsChanged"]
"solana": {
"methods": ["solana_signTransaction", "solana_signMessage"],
"chains": ["solana:5eykt4UsFv8P8NJdTREpY1vzqKqZKvdp"],
"events": []
"polkadot": {
"methods": ["polkadot_signTransaction", "polkadot_signMessage"],
"chains": ["polkadot:91b171bb158e2d3848fa23a9f1c25182"],
"events": []
"optionalNamespaces": {
"eip155:42161": {
"methods": ["eth_sendTransaction", "eth_signTransaction", "personal_sign"],
"events": ["accountsChanged", "chainChanged"]

The wallet then validates if the received Proposal Namespaces are valid. If they are not valid, then the session cannot be established and the wallet rejects it with a 1006 code that tells the dapp that the Proposal Namespaces are invalid.

If they are valid, then the wallet if free to decide whether to approve the proposal, or reject it.

Session Namespace

If the wallet (or the user) does NOT approve the session, then it is rejected. Otherwise, the wallet responds with a slightly different namespace schema: Session Namespace. Instead of having a list of chains, it has list of accounts compatible with the given methods and events. If the wallet approves a session proposal, it needs to approve all methods and events of all Proposal Namespaces. If needed, the Wallet can add permissions for more methods and events than the ones requested, but never less.

Example Session Namespace

"namespaces": {
"eip155": {
"chains": ["eip155:1", "eip155:137"],
"methods": ["eth_sendTransaction", "eth_signTransaction", "personal_sign"],
"events": ["accountsChanged", "chainChanged"],
"accounts": ["eip155:1:0xab16a96d359ec26a11e2c2b3d8f8b8942d5bfcdb", "eip155:137:0xab16a96d359ec26a11e2c2b3d8f8b8942d5bfcdb"]
"cosmos": {
"accounts": [
"methods": ["cosmos_signDirect", "cosmos_signAmino"],
"events": []
"polkadot": {
"accounts": [
"methods": ["polkadot_signTransaction", "polkadot_signMessage"],
"events": []

The Dapp then validates if the received Session Namespaces comply with the requested Proposal Namespaces. If so, the session is established / settled. If not, the session is not established and MUST delete all related cached data.

Namespace Config

The wallet can also define a special set of methods & events that can be sent without a target chain and one example of this are methods prefixed by "wallet_". Special namespaces are always defined by the wallet in the setNamespaceConfig function of SignSDK via the specialNamespaces parameter. When NamespaceConfig is set, there is no need for a wallet to pass Session Namespaces within the approve session method. In this case, Session Namespaces are generated internally. Example: a dapp can request wallet_addEthereumChain without targeting a specific chain.

Example Namespace Config

"specialNamespaces": {
"wallet": {
"methods": ["wallet_getPermissions", "wallet_switchEthereumChain", "wallet_creds_store"],
"events": []
"supportedNamespaces": {
"eip155": {
"chains": ["eip155:1", "eip155:137"],
"methods": ["eth_sendTransaction", "eth_signTransaction", "personal_sign"],
"events": ["accountsChanged", "chainChanged"],
"accounts": ["eip155:1:0xab16a96d359ec26a11e2c2b3d8f8b8942d5bfcdb", "eip155:137:0xab16a96d359ec26a11e2c2b3d8f8b8942d5bfcdb"]
"cosmos": {
"chains": ["cosmos:cosmoshub-4"],
"accounts": [
"methods": ["cosmos_signDirect", "cosmos_signAmino"],
"events": []

Approving a Session Response

The following is validated for the WalletConnect library:

  • validates structure is correct
  • validates namespaces match at least all requiredNamespaces
  • validates accounts are included at least one per chain in the requiredNamespaces

✅ Session namespaces MUST be included in the session approval response

✅ Both required and optional namespaces are indexed with namespace or CAIP-2

✅ All required namespaces MUST be satisfied by a wallet

✅ All, none or some of the optional namespaces MUST be satisfied by a wallet

✅ If both required and optional namespaces are empty in the session proposal object it means that there're no requirements regarding chains, events or methods

Rejecting a Session Response

If the user does not approve the requested chains, methods, or accounts, or if the wallet does not support the requested chains or methods, the response should not be considered a success


For a list of error codes, view Failure States.

Validation test cases

Controller side validation of incoming Proposal Namespaces (Wallet)

1.1. Proposal Namespaces does not include an optional namespace

Requested Proposal Namespaces:

"requiredNamespaces": {
"eip155:10": {
"methods": ["personal_sign"],
"events": ["accountsChanged", "chainChanged"]

Is valid?: Yes

Note: optionalNamespaces is not required

1.2. Proposal Namespaces MUST NOT have chains empty

Requested Proposal Namespaces:

"requiredNamespaces": {
"cosmos": {
"chains": [],
"methods": ["cosmos_signDirect"],
"events": ["someCosmosEvent"]

Is valid?: No

Note: Proposal namespace doesn't have any chains, hence it's invalid

Throw Message: Chains must not be empty Throw Error Code: case .unsupportedChains: return 5100

1.3. Chains MIGHT be omitted if the CAIP-2 is defined in the index

Requested Proposal Namespaces:

"requiredNamespaces": {
"eip155": {
"chains": ["eip155:1", "eip155:137"],
"methods": ["eth_sendTransaction", "eth_signTransaction", "eth_sign"],
"events": ["accountsChanged", "chainChanged"]
"eip155:10": {
"methods": ["personal_sign"],
"events": ["accountsChanged", "chainChanged"]

Is valid?: Yes

Note: This parameter MAY be omitted if a single-chain scope is already declared in the index of the object.

1.4. Chains MUST be CAIP-2 compliant

Requested Proposal Namespaces:

"requiredNamespaces": {
"eip155": {
"chains": ["42"],
"methods": ["eth_sign"],
"events": ["accountsChanged"]

Is valid?: No

Note: 42 is not CAIP-2 compliant. eip155:42 is CAIP-2 compliant.

Throw Message: Chains must be CAIP-2 compliant Throw Error Code: case .unsupportedChains: return 5100

1.5. Proposal namespace methods and events MAY be empty

Requested Proposal Namespaces:

"requiredNamespaces": {
"eip155": {
"chains": ["eip155:1"],
"methods": [],
"events": []

Is valid?: Yes

1.6. All chains in the namespace MUST contain the namespace prefix

Requested Proposal Namespaces:

"requiredNamespaces": {
"eip155": {
"chains": ["eip155:1", "eip155:137", "cosmos:cosmoshub-4"],
"methods": ["eth_sendTransaction"],
"events": ["accountsChanged", "chainChanged"]
"optionalNamespaces": {
"eip155:42161": {
"methods": ["personal_sign"],
"events": ["accountsChanged", "chainChanged"]

Is valid?: No

Note: cosmos:cosmoshub-4 does not contain eip155 prefix

Throw Message: Chains must be defined in matching namespace Throw Error Code: case .unsupportedChains: return 5100

1.7. Namespace key must comply with CAIP-2 specification

Requested Proposal Namespaces:

"": {
"chains": [":1"],
"methods": ["personalSign"],
"events": []
"**": {
"chains": ["**:1"],
"methods": ["personalSign"],
"events": []

Is valid?: No

Note: Namespaces must match regex [-a-z0-9]{3,8}. Source: CAIP-2

Throw Message: Namespace formatting must match CAIP-2 Throw Error Code: case .unsupportedNamespaceKey: return 5104

1.8. All namespaces MUST be valid

Requested Proposal Namespaces:

"requiredNamespaces": {
"eip155": {
"chains": ["eip155:1"],
"methods": ["personalSign"],
"events": []
"cosmos": {
"chains": [],
"methods": [],
"events": []

Is valid?: No

Note: Even though, the first proposal namespace is valid the second being invalid makes whole proposal invalid

Throw Message should be the first one caught Throw Error Code should be the first one caught

1.9. Proposal namespaces MAY be empty

Requested Proposal Namespaces:


Is valid?: Yes

Note: Empty Proposal Namespaces means that the DApp does not have required namespaces and can work with any provided chains.

Wallet must provide namespaces for ALL supported chains with empty methods and events.

For example if wallet supports eip155:1, eip155:137, cosmos:cosmoshub-1 chains, Session Namespaces should looks like:

"requiredNamespaces": {
"eip155": {
"accounts": [
"methods": [],
"events": []
"cosmos": {
"accounts": ["cosmos:cosmoshub-1:cosmos1pn5a6s4k063608cnt2zue208965lc0m06u9clj"],
"methods": [],
"events": []

Non-controller side validation of incoming Proposal Namespaces (Dapp)

2.1. Session Namespaces MUST NOT have accounts empty

Requested Proposal Namespaces:

"requiredNamespaces": {
"cosmos": {
"chains": ["cosmos:cosmoshub-4"],
"methods": ["cosmos_signDirect"],
"events": ["someCosmosEvent"]

Received Session Namespaces:

"namespaces": {
"cosmos": {
"accounts": [],
"methods": ["cosmos_signDirect"],
"events": ["someCosmosEvent"]

Is valid?: No

Note: Proposal namespace doesn't have any accounts, hence it's invalid

Throw Message: Accounts must not be empty Throw Error Code: case .userRejectedChains: return 5001

2.2. Session Namespaces addresses MUST be CAIP-10 compliant

Requested Proposal Namespaces:

"requiredNamespaces": {
"eip155": {
"chains": ["eip155:1"],
"methods": ["eth_sign"],
"events": ["accountsChanged"]

Received Session Namespaces:

"namespaces": {
"eip155": {
"accounts": ["eip155:0xab16a96d359ec26a11e2c2b3d8f8b8942d5bfcdb"],
"methods": ["eth_sign"],
"events": ["accountsChanged"]

Is valid?: No

Note: eip155:0xab16a96d359ec26a11e2c2b3d8f8b8942d5bfcdb is not CAIP-10 compliant. eip155:1:0xab16a96d359ec26a11e2c2b3d8f8b8942d5bfcdb is CAIP-10 compliant

Throw Message: Accounts must be CAIP-10 compliant Throw Error Code: case .userRejectedChains: return 5001

2.3. Session Namespaces MUST approve all methods

Requested Proposal Namespaces:

"requiredNamespaces": {
"eip155": {
"chains": ["eip155:1"],
"methods": ["eth_sign"],
"events": []

Received Session Namespaces:

"namespaces": {
"eip155": {
"accounts": ["eip155:1:0xab16a96d359ec26a11e2c2b3d8f8b8942d5bfcdb"],
"methods": [],
"events": []

Is valid?: No

Note: eth_sign method is missing in the session namespace

Throw Message: All methods must be approved Throw Error Code: case .userRejectedMethods: return 5002

2.4. Session Namespaces MUST contain at least one account in requested chains

Requested Proposal Namespaces:

"requiredNamespaces": {
"eip155": {
"chains": ["eip155:1", "eip155:10"],
"methods": ["eth_sign"],
"events": ["accountsChanged"]

Received Session Namespaces:

"namespaces": {
"eip155": {
"accounts": ["eip155:1:0xab16a96d359ec26a11e2c2b3d8f8b8942d5bfcdb"],
"methods": ["eth_sign"],
"events": ["accountsChanged"]

Is valid?: No

Note: There is no account specified for eip155:10

Throw Message: All chains must have at least one account Throw Error Code: case .userRejectedChains: return 5001

2.5. Session Namespaces MAY contain multiple accounts for one chain

Requested Proposal Namespaces:

"requiredNamespaces": {
"eip155": {
"chains": ["eip155:1"],
"methods": ["eth_sign"],
"events": ["accountsChanged"]

Received Session Namespaces:

"namespaces": {
"eip155": {
"accounts": [
"methods": ["eth_sign"],
"events": ["accountsChanged"]

Is valid?: Yes

2.6. Session Namespaces MAY extend methods and events of Proposal Namespaces

Requested Proposal Namespaces:

"requiredNamespaces": {
"eip155": {
"chains": ["eip155:1"],
"methods": ["eth_sign"],
"events": ["accountsChanged"]

Received Session Namespaces:

"namespaces": {
"eip155": {
"accounts": ["eip155:1:0xab16a96d359ec26a11e2c2b3d8f8b8942d5bfcdb"],
"methods": ["eth_sign", "personalSign"],
"events": ["accountsChanged", "someEvent"]

Is valid?: Yes

2.7. All accounts in the namespace MUST contain the namespace prefix

Requested Proposal Namespaces:

"requiredNamespaces": {
"eip155": {
"chains": ["eip155:1"],
"methods": ["eth_sign"],
"events": ["accountsChanged"]

Received Session Namespaces:

"namespaces": {
"eip155": {
"accounts": [
"methods": ["eth_sign"],
"events": ["accountsChanged"]

Is valid?: No

Note: cosmos:cosmoshub-4:cosmos1t2uflqwqe0fsj0shcfkrvpukewcw40yjj6hdc0 does not contain eip155 prefix.

Throw Message: Accounts must be defined in matching namespace Throw Error Code: case .unsupportedAccounts: return 5103

2.8. Session Namespaces MAY contain accounts from chains not defined in Proposal Namespaces

Requested Proposal Namespaces:

"requiredNamespaces": {
"eip155": {
"chains": ["eip155:1"],
"methods": ["eth_sign"],
"events": ["accountsChanged"]

Received Session Namespaces:

"namespaces": {
"eip155": {
"accounts": [
"methods": ["eth_sign"],
"events": ["accountsChanged"]

Is valid?: Yes

2.9. Session Namespaces MUST have at least the same namespaces as the Proposal Namespaces

Requested Proposal Namespaces:

"requiredNamespaces": {
"eip155": {
"chains": ["eip155:137", "eip155:1"],
"methods": ["eth_sign"],
"events": ["accountsChanged"]
"cosmos": {
"chains": ["cosmos:cosmoshub-4"],
"methods": ["cosmos_signDirect"],
"events": ["someCosmosEvent"]

Received Session Namespaces:

"namespaces": {
"eip155": {
"accounts": [
"methods": ["eth_sign"],
"events": ["accountsChanged"]

Is valid?: No

Note: cosmos namespace is missing in Session Namespaces

Throw Message: All namespaces must be approved Throw Error Code: case .userRejected return 5000

2.10. Session Namespaces MUST approve all events

Requested Proposal Namespaces:

"requiredNamespaces": {
"eip155": {
"chains": ["eip155:1"],
"methods": [],
"events": ["chainChanged"]

Received Session Namespaces:

"namespaces": {
"eip155": {
"accounts": ["eip155:1:0xab16a96d359ec26a11e2c2b3d8f8b8942d5bfcdb"],
"methods": [],
"events": []

Is valid?: No

Note: chainChanged event is missing in the session namespace

Throw Message: All events must be approved Throw Error Code: case .userRejectedEvents: return 5003

2.11. Session Namespaces doesn't need to approve all of the methods in the optional namespace

Requested Proposal Namespaces:

"requiredNamespaces": {
"eip155": {
"chains": ["eip155:1", "eip155:137"],
"methods": ["eth_sendTransaction", "eth_signTransaction", "eth_sign"],
"events": ["accountsChanged", "chainChanged"]
"optionalNamespaces": {
"eip155:42161": {
"methods": ["eth_sendTransaction", "eth_signTransaction", "personal_sign"],
"events": ["accountsChanged", "chainChanged"]

Received Session Namespaces:

"namespaces": {
"eip155": {
"chains": ["eip155:1", "eip155:137"],
"methods": ["eth_sendTransaction", "eth_signTransaction", "eth_sign"],
"events": ["accountsChanged", "chainChanged"],
"accounts": [
"eip155:42161": {
"methods": ["personal_sign"],
"events": ["accountsChanged", "chainChanged"],
"accounts": ["eip155:42161:0x0910e12C68d02B561a34569E1367c9AAb42bd810"]

Is valid?: Yes

Note: eth_sendTransaction and eth_signTransaction method are missing in the session namespace