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Web3Inbox SDK API

The Web3InboxSDK encompasses both Notify and Chat methods and event listeners. All methods within the class documented here are used internally by the web3inbox web app. Internally, the state is managed through RxJS, which allows the SDK to cleanly listen to events from anywhere. This of course includes the Chat & Notify clients in the webapp.

Stateless Mode

In the case of the webapp being integrated in a native webview, RxJS hooks into the message event on the window, receiving messages from the postMessage calls. Note, this also enables communication with any parent context (React Native, web page displaying Web3Inbox in an iframe, etc).

This is Web3InboxSDK's stateless mode, where it won't manage any clients and will instead just be relaying info to the embedded Web3Inbox user interface.

abstract class Web3InboxSDKChatFacade {
// register a blockchain account with a public key / returns the public key
public abstract register(params: {
account: string;
private?: boolean;
}): Promise<string>;

// queries the default keyserver with a blockchain account / returns the public key
public abstract resolve(params: {
account: string;
}): Promise<string>;

// sends a chat invite to peer account / returns an invite id
public abstract invite(params: {
account: string;
invite: Invite;
}): Promise<number>;

// accepts a chat invite by id / returns thread topic
public abstract accept(params: {
inviteId: number;
}): Promise<string>;

// rejects a chat invite by id
public abstract reject(params: {
inviteId: number;
}): Promise<void>;

// sends a chat message to an active chat thread
public abstract message(params: {
topic: string;
message: string;
media?: Media
}): Promise<void>;

// ping its peer to evaluate if it's currently online
public abstract ping(params: {
topic: string;
}): Promise<void>

// leaves a chat thread and stops receiving messages
public abstract leave(params: {
topic: string;
}): Promise<void>;

// adds peer account with public key
public abstract addContact(params: {
account: string;
publicKey: string;
}): Promise<void>

// returns all invites matching an account / returns maps of invites indexed by id
public abstract getInvites(params: {
account: string;
}): Promise<Map<string, Invite>>

// returns all threads matching an account / returns map of threads indexed by topic
public abstract getThreads(params: {
account: string;
}): Promise<Map<string, Thread>>;

// returns all messages matching a thread's topic / returns array of messages
public abstract getMessages(params: {
topic: string;
}): Promise<[Message]>;

// returns all account addresses that are muted for an account
public abstract getMutedContacts(params: {
account: string;
}): Promise<[string]>;

Event observing.
Note: All observers return a method to stop observing.
// subscribe to new chat invites received
public abstract observe("chat_invite", Observer<{ id: number, invite: Invite}>): () => void;

// subscribe to new chat thread joined
public abstract observe("chat_joined", Observer<{ topic: string }>): () => void;

// subscribe to new chat messages received
public abstract observe("chat_message", Observer<{ topic: string, payload: Message}>): () => void;

// subscribe to new chat thread left
public abstract observe("chat_left", Observer<{ topic: string }>): () => void;

// subscribe to updates from sync stores
public abstract observe("sync_update", Observer<{ store: string, update: StoreUpdate }>): () => void;

abstract class Web3InboxSDKNotifyFacade {
// request notify subscription
public abstract request(params: { account: string, pairingTopic: string }): Promise<{ id }>;

// send notify message
public abstract notify(params: { topic: string, message: NotifyMessage }): Promise<void>

// query all active subscriptions
public abstract getActiveSubscriptions(): Promise<Record<string, NotifySubscription>>;

// delete active subscription
public abstract delete(params: { topic: string }): Promise<void>;

Event observing.
Note: All observers return a method to stop observing.
public abstract observe("notify_subscription", Observer<{id: number, response:{error?: Reason, subscription?: NotifySubscription }}>): () => void;

// subscribe to updates from sync stores
public abstract observe("sync_update", Observer<{ store: string, update: StoreUpdate }>): () => void;

abstract class Web3InboxSDK {

// Note that the facade objects are not the actual clients, but a layer on top
// of them, this is so that their functionality and state can be managed
// within web3inbox.
public readonly get chat: Web3InboxSDKChatFacade
public readonly get notify: Web3InboxSDKNotifyFacade

// If the init function does not receive `params`, Web3InboxSDK operates in a
// stateless manner where it does not maintain chat/notify clients and only
// listens to external events.
public static abstract init(params?: {
relayUrl: string;
projectId: string;
notifyUrl?: string;
}): Promise<Web3InboxSDK>
