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Wallet Usage

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Head over to WalletConnect Cloud and create a new project now!

Get startedcloud illustration


Install the WalletConnect client package.

npm install @walletconnect/notify-client

If you are using the SDK on a server (such as Node.js), you will need to install an additional package:

npm install lokijs --save

The above step is not required if you are using the SDK on the browser-side.

Initialize the SDK clients

import { NotifyClient } from '@walletconnect/notify-client'

const notifyClient = await NotifyClient.init({
projectId: '<YOUR PROJECT ID>'

Add listeners for relevant events

// Handle response to a `notifyClient.subscribe(...)` call
notifyClient.on('notify_subscription', async ({ params }) => {
const { error } = params

if (error) {
// Setting up the subscription failed.
// Inform the user of the error and/or clean up app state.
console.error('Setting up subscription failed: ', error)
} else {
// New subscription was successfully created.
// Inform the user and/or update app state to reflect the new subscription.
console.log(`Subscribed successfully.`)

// Handle an incoming notification
notifyClient.on('notify_message', ({ params }) => {
const { message } = params
// e.g. build a notification using the metadata from `message` and show to the user.

// Handle response to a `notifyClient.update(...)` call
notifyClient.on('notify_update', ({ params }) => {
const { error } = params

if (error) {
// Updating the subscription's scope failed.
// Inform the user of the error and/or clean up app state.
console.error('Setting up subscription failed: ', error)
} else {
// Subscription's scope was updated successfully.
// Inform the user and/or update app state to reflect the updated subscription.
console.log(`Successfully updated subscription scope.`)

// Handle a change in the existing subscriptions (e.g after a subscribe or update)
notifyClient.on('notify_subscriptions_changed', ({ params }) => {
const { subscriptions } = params
// `subscriptions` will contain any *changed* subscriptions since the last time this event was emitted.
// To get a full list of subscriptions for a given account you can use `notifyClient.getActiveSubscriptions({ account: 'eip155:1:0x63Be...' })`

Register an identity key for cross-device account syncing


This is a one-time action per account. It does not need to be repeated after initial registration of the new account.

To register an identity key, you must provide a callback to the onSign: (message: string) => string parameter of the register method. In order to authorize the Notify subscription, the SDK will trigger this callback with a message to sign, expecting the signature for that message to be returned.

Some suggested ways to implement the onSign callback are via:

Registering as a dapp

const account = `eip155:1:0x63Be2c680685d2A9620c11b0068291261aa62d76`
const domain = '', // pass the domain (i.e. the hostname) where your dapp is hosted.
const allApps = false // The user will be prompted to authorize this dapp to send and receive messages on their behalf for only this specific domain using their WalletConnect identity.

// No need to register and sign message if already registered.
if (notifyClient.isRegistered({ account, domain, allApps })) return;

const {registerParams, message} = notifyClient.prepareRegistration({

const signature = await ethersWallet.signMessage(message);

await notifyClient.register({

Registering as a wallet

const account = `eip155:1:0x63Be2c680685d2A9620c11b0068291261aa62d76`
const domain = '', // pass the domain (i.e. the hostname) where your dapp is hosted.
const allApps = true // The user will be prompted to authorize this wallet to send and receive messages on their behalf for ALL domains using their WalletConnect identity.

// No need to register and sign message if already registered.
if (notifyClient.isRegistered({ account, domain, allApps })) return;

const {registerParams, message} = notifyClient.prepareRegistration({

const signature = await ethersWallet.signMessage(message);

await notifyClient.register({


Any identity registered can be unregistered via the unregister method.

const account = `eip155:1:0x63Be2c680685d2A9620c11b0068291261aa62d76`

await notifyClient.unregister({

Managing Subscriptions

Creating a new subscription


To identify dapps that can be subscribed to via Notify, we can query the following Explorer API endpoint:

// Get the domain of the target dapp from the Explorer API response
const appDomain = new URL(fetchedExplorerDapp.platform_browser).hostname

// Subscribe to `fetchedExplorerDapp` by passing the account to be subscribed and the domain of the target dapp.
await notifyClient.subscribe({

// -> Success/Failure will be received via the `notify_update` event registered previously.
// -> New subscription will be emitted via the `notify_subscriptions_changed` watcher event.

Updating notification types on an existing subscription

// `topic` - subscription topic of the subscription that should be updated.
// `scope` - an array of notification types that should be enabled going forward. The current scopes can be found under `subscription.scope`.
await notifyClient.update({
scope: ['alerts']
// -> Success/Failure will be received via the `notify_update` event registered previously.
// -> Updated subscription will be emitted via the `notify_subscriptions_changed` watcher event.

// get notification types by accessing `scope` member of a dapp's subscription
const notificationTypes = notifyClient
.getActiveSubscriptions({ account })
.filter(subscription => subscription.topic === topic).scope

Removing an existing subscription

// `topic` - subscription topic of the subscription that should be deleted.
await notifyClient.deleteSubscription({ topic })

Retrieving all currently active subscriptions

// Will return all active subscriptions for the provided account, keyed by subscription topic.
const accountSubscriptions = notifyClient.getActiveSubscriptions({
account: `eip155:1:0x63Be...`

Retrieving past messages for a given subscription

// Will return all past Notify messages for the provided subscription topic, keyed by messageId.
const messageHistory = notifyClient.getNotificationHistory({
limit: 10,
startingAfter: 'notification-id',
unreadFirst: true

Marking notification as read

// Will mark the 2 specific notifications as read
const messageHistory = notifyClient.markNotificationsAsRead({
notificationIds: ['notification-1', 'notification-2']