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This section provides instructions on how to initialize the Web3Wallet client, approve sessions with supported namespaces, and respond to session requests, enabling easy integration of Web3 wallets with dapps through a simple and intuitive interface.


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Initialization: Creating a new Web3Wallet instance and initializing it with a projectId from Cloud.

Session: Connection between a dapp and a wallet.

Don't have a project ID?

Head over to WalletConnect Cloud and create a new project now!

Get startedcloud illustration


To create an instance of Web3Wallet, you need to pass in the core and metadata parameters.

final web3Wallet = await Web3Wallet.createInstance(
projectId: '123.....',
metadata: const PairingMetadata(
name: 'Wallet Name',
description: 'Wallet Description',
url: '',
icons: [
redirect: Redirect(
native: 'yourwalletscheme://',
universal: '',


A session is a connection between a dapp and a wallet. It is established when a user approves a session proposal from a dapp. A session is active until the user disconnects from the dapp or the session expires.

Namespace Builder

On flutter you don't need to worry about Namespace Builder as Flutter SDK would handle that for you and generate a namespace object with the supported ones.

All you have to do is make sure you are registering

  1. events emitters with web3Wallet.registerEventEmitter() for events you want to support on your wallet
  2. request handlers with web3Wallet.registerRequestHandler() for methods you want to support on your wallet
  3. wallet's accounts with web3Wallet.registerAccount() for accounts you want these events and methods to be enabled on

for every chain you want to support.

When a dApp propose a session, with declared required and/or optional namespaces, your wallet will be able to approve an already generated set of namespaces based on your registered events, methods and accounts.

You can access this object in SessionProposalEvent during onSessionProposal event by querying event.params.generatedNamespaces. (See next section)

However, if you decide not to use web3Wallet.registerRequestHandler() and, instead, you decide to handle session requests by subscribing to the web3Wallet.onSessionRequest events then all you have to do is construct your approved namespaces as follows:

final approvedNamespaces = {
'eip155': const Namespace(
accounts: [ // every account you want to support
methods: [ // every method you want to support
events: [ // every event you want to support

Flutter SDK provides a handy MethodsConstants and EventsConstants for already defined set of required and optional values.

EVM methods & events

In @walletconnect/ethereum-provider, (our abstracted EVM SDK for apps) we support by default the following Ethereum methods and events:

methods: [
events: [

Session Approval

As mentioned before, the SessionProposalEvent is emitted when a dapp initiates a new session with your wallet. The event object will include the information about the dapp and requested namespaces. The wallet should display a prompt for the user to approve or reject the session.

To approve a session, call approveSession() and pass in the and your approved namespaces.

  • If you decide to use the registerRequestHandler() method to register handlers for supported methods, as explained in previous section, you would use the generatedNamespaces object in the approveSession
  • If you decide to handle session requests by subscribing to the onSessionRequest event, you would need to pass your own set of approved namespaces.

Either way you decide you would subscribe to the onSessionProposal event and use approveSession() as follows:

web3Wallet.onSessionProposal.subscribe((SessionProposalEvent? event) {
// display a prompt for the user to approve or reject the session
// ....
// If approved
namespaces: // event.params.generatedNamespaces! or approvedNamespaces,


The pair method initiates a WalletConnect pairing process with a dapp using the given uri (QR code from the dapps). To learn more about pairing, checkout out the docs.

Scan the QR code and parse the URI, and pair with the dapp.
Upon the first pairing, you will immediately receive onSessionProposal and onAuthRequest events.

Uri uri = Uri.parse(scannedUriString);
await web3Wallet.pair(uri: uri);

Session Rejection

To reject the request, pass in an error code and reason. They can be found here.

To reject a session:

web3Wallet.onSessionProposal.subscribe((SessionProposalEvent? event) {
// display a prompt for the user to approve or reject the session
// ....
// If rejected
reason: Errors.getSdkError(Errors.USER_REJECTED),

Responding to Session requests

To handle a session request, such as personal_sign, you have two ways and they are mutually exclusive, so, you use either one way or the other:

  1. The default one is subscribing to onSessionRequest events and handle the request based on the method that is firing the event

void _onSessionRequest(SessionRequestEvent? event) async {
if (event != null) {
final id =;
final topic = event.topic;
final method = event.method;
final chainId = event.chainId;
final params = event.params as List;

// message should arrive encoded
final decoded = hex.decode(params.first.substring(2));
final message = utf8.decode(decoded);

// display a prompt for the user to approve or reject the request
// if approved
if (approved) {
// Your code to sign the message here
final signature = ...

return web3Wallet.respondSessionRequest(
topic: topic,
response: JsonRpcResponse(
id: id,
jsonrpc: '2.0',
result: signature,
// if rejected
return web3Wallet.respondSessionRequest(
topic: topic,
response: JsonRpcResponse(
id: id,
jsonrpc: '2.0',
error: const JsonRpcError(code: 5001, message: 'User rejected method'),
  1. The second way is to register a request handler for the methods and chains you want to support. So let's say your wallet supports eip155:1 and eip155:137. This would translate to:
final supportedChains = ['eip155:1', 'eip155:137'];
Map<String, dynamic Function(String, dynamic)> supportedMethods = {
'personal_sign': _personalSignHandler,
'eth_sendTransaction': _ethSendTransactionHandler,
for (var chainId in supportedChains) {
for (var method in supportedMethods.entries) {
chainId: chainId,
method: method.key,
handler: method.value,

Future<void> _personalSignHandler(String topic, dynamic params) async {
final id = web3Wallet.pendingRequests.getAll().first;

// message should arrive encoded
final decoded = hex.decode(params.first.substring(2));
final message = utf8.decode(decoded);

// display a prompt for the user to approve or reject the request
// if approved
if (approved) {
// Your code to sign the message here
final signature = ...

return web3Wallet.respondSessionRequest(
topic: topic,
response: JsonRpcResponse(
id: id,
jsonrpc: '2.0',
result: signature,
// if rejected
return web3Wallet.respondSessionRequest(
topic: topic,
response: JsonRpcResponse(
id: id,
jsonrpc: '2.0',
error: const JsonRpcError(code: 5001, message: 'User rejected method'),

Future<void> _ethSendTransactionHandler(String topic, dynamic params) async {
// ...

Once you have your handlers registered, this are going to be triggered INSTEAD OF the onSessionRequest event.

The main difference between these 2 ways of handling session requests is that the default one, using onSessionRequest events, carry more useful information such as the request id and the chain id which are not carried when using the request handlers registration.

Updating a Session

If you wish to include new accounts or chains or methods in an existing session, updateSession allows you to do so. You need pass in the topic and a new Namespaces object that contains all of the existing namespaces as well as the new data you wish to include.

After you update the session, the dapp connected to your wallet will receive a SessionUpdate event.

await web3Wallet.updateSession(topic: 'topic', namespaces: '{}')

Extending a Session

To extend the session, call the extendSession method and pass in the new topic. The SessionUpdate event will be emitted from the wallet.

await web3Wallet.extendSession(topic: 'topic')

Session Disconnect

To initiate a session disconnect, call the disconnectSession method and pass in the topic and a reason.

When either the dapp or the wallet disconnects from a session, a SessionDelete event will be emitted. It's important to subscribe to this event so you could keep your state up-to-date.

await web3Wallet.disconnectSession(
topic: session.topic,
reason: Errors.getSdkError(Errors.USER_DISCONNECTED),

Using disconnectSession() alone will make the pairing topic persist, i.e, it can be re-used until it expires. If you want to disconnect (remove) the pairing topic as well you would have add another call as follows:

await web3Wallet.core.pairing.disconnect(
topic: pairing.topic,

Supporting session events

In order to support session events, such as chainChanged or accountChanged, you would have to to register an event emitter for such events, for every chain you want to emit an event for (similar to request handlers).

final supportedChains = ['eip155:1', 'eip155:137'];
const supportedEvents = ['chainChanged', 'accountChanged'];
for (var chainId in supportedChains) {
for (var event in supportedEvents) {
chainId: chainId,
event: event,

And to emit an event, call emitSessionEvent() as follows:

await web3wallet.emitSessionEvent(
topic: session.topic,
chainId: 'eip155:1',
event: SessionEventParams(
name: 'chainChanged',
data: 1,

For a better understanding please check out the example wallet and, in particular, the EVMService inside of it.